Walt Disney World Welcomes Sydney
Sydney was born in February of 2020, as a healthy, happy baby girl. However, when she was only two months old, a lump on the side of her neck was discovered. This prompted some testing by her doctor. Initially, it was believed to be an undeveloped tissue mass. Upon further analysis, they found the location of this mass proved to be very dangerous. It had been sitting on her carotid artery. This artery is a major blood vessel that provides the brain's blood supply. If surgery wasn’t performed quickly, this could result in brain injury. It was determined to remove the mass immediately. Fortunately, this surgery went well and the mass was entirely removed. However, when the tissue was biopsied, it was found to be malignant.
Following surgery, Sydney was monitored and began chemotherapy. She was able to complete 8 rounds of treatment with good results. As of June 2021, Sydney has been in remission! It was an unexpected challenge for Sydney and her family, but with the help of her nurses and doctors at Loyola Hospital, she has been successful. Despite these difficult times, Sydney has always kept a smile on her face and ready to offer sweet hugs.
It was in the fall of 2021 that A Special Wish - Chicago received a request for a very special wish for little Sydney. She loved the Disney characters and wished to visit Walt Disney World to meet them. A Wish Team was assembled to work on this request, hoping to make this adventure possible. In the fall of 2022, all the plans came together. A flight down to Orlando for a stay at the Walt Disney World Resort was going to happen. Sydney was also joined by her grandparents and other family members, who drove down to share in her excitement. A Special Wish - Chicago was honored to work with Sydney and her family. It looks like this adventure was a treat for all!
Special Wish Presentation
Checking Out the Treats!
Off to where dreams come true!
Lots of Hugs at Disney World
Exploring All the Magic at the Park
Special Wish With Family
Always the best!
Heading Home
On behalf of ASW Chicago, thank you to our volunteers, our friends at Give Kids the World Village, and Sydney’s family for sharing these moments with us, and our generous supporters for making this wish come true!
Help grant wishes and create magic for children like Sydney, by donating or volunteering with us!